We are thrilled that Scottish Student Sport have partnered with us and will support Student Associations and Sports Unions in Scotland in their fundraising activity for Sport Relief.
“Scottish Student Sport is delighted to partner with Row Britannia to support this inspiring initiative for students and young people. Mental Health and Wellbeing are vitally important aspects of any positive student experience and we applaud Row Britannia’s efforts to bring both perspiration and inspiration to this key area, through their inclusive charity rowing challenge. Being active is one of the best ways to promote good mental health and this campaign will help make an impact both locally and nationally – very much in keeping with SSS’ strategic aims. We look forward to providing visible support to the opening legs of the Row Britannia tour, and hope to see widespread engagement in the campaign from Student Associations, Sports Unions, Departments and senior management."
Stew Fowlie, Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Student Sport