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  • Writer's picturePhil Packer

The Royal Navy partners with Row Britannia

We invited The Royal Navy to join Row Britannia and they have confirmed they will partner with us. Rear Admiral Jim Higham will encourage Royal Navy personnel to take part;

"The Royal Navy considers mental health to be just as important as physical health.  Reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not of weakness; Everyone needs help from time to time.

Row Britannia is a fantastic opportunity for members of the Naval Service, including our University Royal Navy Units and Cadet organisations, to step up to a positive mental health, fitness and wellbeing challenge. I encourage every Ship, Naval Base and Air Station to enter a team and Row Britannia."

Rear Admiral Jim Higham confirms The Royal Navy will partner with Row Britannia


Rear Admiral Jim Higham OBE, Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Ships)


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